
Preheat the electric skillet to 400°. Place the chicken bone side down in the skillet with the lid cracked open. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until brown.

Shred the potatoes with the food cutter on the # 3 blade.

Once the chicken has browned, flip the chicken and pour the potatoes over it. Immediately seal the lid on the electric skillet and cook for approximately 15 minutes or until the potatoes are done.

Turn the skillet off, remove the ingredients and immediately pour hot water into the skillet. The skillet will wipe out easily in about 10 minutes.
Gravy Recipe (Optional)
- Leavings in the Pan from Chosen Meat
- Whole Milk
- Salt and Pepper
- Cornstarch (or Arrow Root Powder)
- A Small Amount of Water in a Glass

Combine 2 heaping teaspoons of cornstarch (or arrow root powder) with a few tablespoons of water in a small glass and stir it until it is thick.

Remove the meat when it is finished cooking and pour 1/2 to 1 inch of milk into the hot skillet.

Turn on med-high heat and cook it while stirring with a metal spoon. Salt to taste.

Once the milk is bubbling thoroughly, pour the cornstarch and water mixture into the skillet and continue stirring until it has thickened. (You can add more cornstarch or arrow root powder if you want it thicker)